Greate Egg Harbour Township Historical Society Museum and Research Library
Preserving the history of Egg Harbor Township, NJ
In 1710, Greate Egg Harbour encompassed all that we know as Atlantic County today. Starting in 1837 the various municipalities began to break away and became their own governments. By 1905, Egg Harbor Township as we know today included eight villages – Bargaintown (the seat of government), English Creek, Scullville, Steelmanville, McKee City, Cardiff, Farmington, and West Atlantic City.
The Greate Egg Harbour Township Historical Society (GEHTHS) was formed in 1979 with the mission to include the discovery and collection of any material which may help to document Egg Harbor Township (EHT) history, its explorations, settlement and development. Printed materials may include genealogies, newspapers, family Bibles, letters, and photographs. The museum and library have numerous collections of artifacts illustrating EHT life, conditions, events and activities of the past as well as the present.
We are a 100% volunteer 501(c) 3 non-profit organization dedicated to sharing and preserving Egg Harbor Township history. We encourage those tied to Greater Egg Harbor Township to share information or items they may possess related to EHT history. Follow us on Facebook and You Tube.
Thank you to our generous annual sponsors!
Janice & Frank Cambron • Tracey Miller & Associates • Leo Schoffer • John and Elizabeth Steelman Foundation • Tamara & John Lamb • McGowan Landscaping
Adams-Perfect Funeral Home • Jade Egelhoff & Dan Palmer • Godfrey Funeral Home • Sidney Parker • Peter Miller & Anna Marie Kane • Gary and Lisa & Press • Gordon Thornton • Pamela & Tony Tyson
Thank you to the following for their support:
Egg Harbor Township Committee, Public Works, EHT Recreation, and Boy Scout Troop 94
Funding has been made possible in part by the New Jersey Historical Commission, a division of Cultural Affairs within the Department of State, through funds administered by the Atlantic County Office of Cultural and Heritage Affairs.